How to Join

Changes to Current Membership
If you are already a member and would like to add an additional member to your organization, please contact us for assistance. If you believe you had an active membership that has lapsed, please contact us to reactivate your membership. Send inquiries to [email protected] for fast and easy assistance.

New Membership
If you are new to IMTA, just fill out this simple online form - dues are payable via credit card or check. We thank you for your involvement and membership!

Municipal or "Active" Members
: IMTA bylaws details that representatives of municipalities who are eligible for membership may be elected or appointed treasurers, deputy or assistant treasurers, or other financial officers charged with the performance or supervision of fiscal responsibilities such as the collection, receipt, tabulation, custody, deposit, investment or disbursement of municipal funds. A "municipality" includes state, county, township, municipal city/village, or fire protection districts.
Association Members: Individuals representing institutions that closely ally with or relate to the functions of a municipal treasurer’s office are eligible for membership. 

Dues and Guidelines
  • Dues are a flat fee per individual per fiscal year.
  • Dues per Municipal/Active Individual Member: $100/year
  • Dues per Association Individual Member: $350/year
  • Membership runs on a fiscal year starting May 1 and ending on April 30. Dues renewal invoices will be sent out 45 days before expiration to ensure a timely renewal.
  • Membership is held by the individual even though multiple individuals from the same organization will be grouped within the same organization profile to streamline annual dues renewal.