Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer
The Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer (CIMT) professional certification program was established in 1983 to advance the professionalism and professional standing of the municipal treasurer. The CIMT is administered and awarded by the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association. Download a new application or recertification application.
The Certification Program provides the Illinois municipal treasury professionals a means of keeping abreast of changes affecting their important and challenging role in municipal government. Certification reflects that a treasury professional is capable of developing and maintaining a high level of administrative and functional expertise.
The Certification Program establishes standards that recognize the professional achievements of the individual and provides a system through which the required standards can be met. Upon completion of these standards, the applicant is recognized as a Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer (CIMT).
The program complements the national certification, Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA), that is offered through the APT US&C.
- CIMT applicants must be an elected or appointed municipal treasurer, deputy or assistant treasurer, or other municipal officer charged with the performance or supervision of treasury responsibilities.
- Must maintain IMTA membership and be a member in good standing for at least two years prior to application.
- Believe in and practice the Code of Ethics of the Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada.
- Accumulate a minimum of 50 Education points and 35 Experience and Participation points as specified in the schedule of points.
- Attend one full phase of the IMTA Institute within the last five years of submitting application.
- Submit the approved application form, along with all required documentation and fee of $55.
Recertification Certifications expire within five years unless an Application to Maintain Certification is submitted and approved. For example, if you receive your original Certification in June of 2020, you must apply for recertification by January 31, 2025 (which means that the last Institute you could attend to receive points toward your recertification would be the Fall of 2024).
You may also request a one year extension which are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If not approved, the member must re-apply as a new applicant, using training and events only from the five years prior to application.
Recognition The CIMT plaque and pin are presented to all approved CIMTs at the IMTA Annual Conference. We hope all CIMTs will attend the conference and receive their accolades in person. The professional title awarded by this program is Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer. The initials CIMT can be used after the name of the certified individual.